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Mark is a Teesside based artist. His style of imaginative landscapes is influenced by the beautiful scenery of both North Yorkshire and his spiritual home of Cornwall. The style speaks more of an imaginary world hoped for if we can all come together rather than the actual world at present. This reflects the work of CULTIVATE TEES VALLEY who are striving for a better tomorrow. 

With Mark’s colourful and positive style we hope this calendar will give you some smiles during the year. We have incorporated what we think are important regenerative dates for you to be aware of.

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The Door

The door is about the portal we as humanity are standing in front of. We have the opportunity in this time when the old system is breaking down to build a new and better world. We at Cultivate Tees Valley are all about building this new world together. The world through the door is a world where we take better care of each other and nature and we do it for the children to come!

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